Commentary and analysis of the Colorado Rockies Baseball Club.

January 13, 2005

Rants and Thoughts

The celebrating has not stopped here at DITr since the rox' free-agent signings of Dustan Mohr and Desi Relaford. Being a high-profile columnist has it's advantages. I just got a tip from someone, with the condition of anonymity, in the rockies' marketing department that the 2005 team slogan will most likely be "We're lookin' up at the rest of the NL". For this edition of DITr, I have invited my friend, Scot Marion, to be a guest columnist. If you thought being a rox fan right now was rough, Scot is also a royals fan. Yikes! If there's anyone that deserves pity, it would be Scot. Heeeeeere's Scot.

First, I want to thank Todd for the chance to be his first guest columnist for DITr. A lot of different things came to my mind to write about. Then I realized that I always like the articles that are just a lot meaningless points and use data and I knew I could do that. So here we go with my useless rants and thoughts.

Am I the only one who looks at Jake Plummer with his beard and wonders when he is going to move to a small cabin in Montana with only a typewriter?

Does anyone really believe MLB baseball and the players union when they say the new steroid policy is really much better than the old one?

Reasons why the rox might get back their capital “R” in 2005: Darrin Oliver, 2005 NL CY Young Award Winner.

How many people has Lou From Littleton (Denver Sports Talk Show Host) ask the question “Who Is Tougher Than (fill in the person’s name here)” about?

Jason Stark of gave a list of reasons why the NY Yankees will not win the 2005 World Series and my favorite was “NO $207-MILLION TEAM HAS EVER WON A WORLD SERIES”. Hard to argue with that kind of logic.

Can you believe the rox are still paying Mike Hampton to pitch for the Braves for the next two years? Plus, if any team he is on ever waives him in the next couple of years, we would have to pay him even more money! Maybe his agent could help work out privatize Social Security and 401K plans for me.

Reasons why the rox might get back their capital “R” in 2005: Major League Baseball allows them to have a set of players that only plays on the road and another set of players that plays only at home.

It is hard to understand why there is no excitement about the Colorado Avs undefeated season thus far.

I want to go to spring training someday, why doesn’t someone ever pay for me to go? I know, keep dreaming buddy and get a job so you can pay for your own trip.

Softball Hot-Stove Topics: Which team will free-agent Todd Nikkel sign with? You can bet it will not be about the money, but the chance to win. Well, unless the team fee is too high.

Reasons why the rox might get back their capital “R” in 2005: Desi Relaford’s vocal teaching ability (a real reason given for signing him).

There are no better GMs than Todd and I, at least on paper.

I miss the Rockpile at Mile High, that was just awesome to hear and to feel the thunderous chant, “GO” – “ROCK-IES”.

I wonder where Billy Jo Robidoux, former Denver Zephyrs great, is today? He had the best name of any player for the PA to introduce when he was at bat.

Reasons why the rox might get back their capital “R” in 2005: Return to Zephyr’s traditions of Businessperson Specials, Ringing of the Bell, Winning, and Attendance Exaggerated Announced Figures.

Will Dan Reeves ever enter the Bronco’s Ring of Fame, like he so richly deserves?

Isn’t Win, Lose, & Drew the most insightful of any Denver Sports Media?

The Colorado rockies have never finished above the LA Dodgers in the standings. Don’t look for that to change this year.

Reasons why the rox might get back their capital “R” in 2005: Todd Nikkel Bobble Head Day.

Chicago White Sox last won the World Series in 1917 and the Chicago Cubs last won the World Series in 1908. Frankly, I think there are more problems for those clubs than goat and black sox curses.

People in Kansas City voted to pay for a new arena in 2004 to get a pro basketball team. Go figure, I did not realize KC was so big into the WNBA.

Reasons why the rox might get back their capital “R” in 2005: A trade sending Dinger, a box of t-shirts, and the famous player to be named later to the Nuggets for Rocky.

I’m out of here. Oh baseball fans, pitchers and catchers report in about a month! As for rox fans, take heart, there is always 2006 or 2007 or at least the fact that we are not a Chicago baseball club.